Infrascrutures as Code (IaC)




  • :star2: OPA
  • kitchen
  • Kitchen-Terraform Kitchen-Terraform provides a set of Test Kitchen plugins which enable the use of Test Kitchen to converge a Terraform configuration and verify the resulting infrastructure systems with InSpec controls.
  • rspec
  • rspec-terraform)
  • InSpec Chef InSpec is an open-source testing framework for infrastructure with a human- and machine-readable language for specifying compliance, security and policy requirements.
  • Goss Goss is a YAML based serverspec alternative tool for validating a server’s configuration. It eases the process of writing tests by allowing the user to generate tests from the current system state. Once the test suite is written they can be executed, waited-on, or served as a health endpoint.
  • driftctl driftctl is a free and open-source CLI that warns of infrastructure drift and fills in the missing piece in your DevSecOps toolbox.
  • snyk-iac




  • 🌟 terraspace The Terraform Framework
  • 🌟 terragrunt - Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for keeping your Terraform configurations DRY, working with multiple Terraform modules, and managing remote state.
  • ⭐ terraform-cdk Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF) allows you to use familiar programming languages to define cloud infrastructure.
  • terraboard A Web dashboard to inspect and query Terraform states
  • terrafile manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform.
  • terramate erramate is a tool for managing multiple Terraform stacks.
  • Terraform Visual Terraform Visual is a simple tool to help you understand your Terraform plan easily.
  • πŸ‘“ TerraCognita: Read from your existing cloud providers and generate IaC in Terraform
  • ⭐ tfenv Terraform version manager inspired by rbenv.
  • πŸ‘“ terraformer - CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure. Infrastructure to Code. Supported many providers.
  • Argonaut Provision environments, cloud managed infrastructure, app deployments, and third party tools in one place.


  • ⭐ tfsec Terraform static analysis tool that supports terraform <0.12 & >=0.12 & directly integrates with HCL parser for better results.
  • Terratest
  • terraform-compliance: A lightweight, security and compliance focused test framework against terraform to enable negative testing capability for your infrastructure-as-code.
  • kitchen
  • Kitchen-Terraform Kitchen-Terraform provides a set of Test Kitchen plugins which enable the use of Test Kitchen to converge a Terraform configuration and verify the resulting infrastructure systems with InSpec controls.
  • rspec
  • rspec-terraform)
  • :star2: OPA Terraform

Documentation & Analysis

  • ⭐ Terraform-docs Generate Terraform modules documentation in various formats
  • ⭐ Infracost Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests
  • πŸ‘“ InfraMap: Reads .tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider
  • πŸ‘“ TerraCost Cloud cost estimation for Terraform in the CLI


  • 🌟 cloudposse Hundreds of well designed exemples for terraform


AWS CloudFormation